In a shocking turn of events, the town of New Providence held its first ever flag competition this weekend and the winner was a flag that can only be described as an eyesore. The flag, which features an awkward-looking collage of low-quality images in the center surrounded by a mishmash of colors, was met with confusion and disbelief by many of the town’s residents.

Despite the fact that there were several other, much more aesthetically pleasing flags in the running, the judges somehow managed to choose the one that looked like it was designed by a child.
The flag that came in second place, which featured a beautiful landscape of the town’s rolling hills and a peaceful river running through the center, was the clear favorite among the residents. However, the judges inexplicably chose the garish flag as the winner, causing many to question the validity of the competition.
One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “I can’t believe they chose that awful flag. It’s like they didn’t even look at the other options. The one that came in second place was so much better and it really represented our town in a beautiful way.”
When asked for comment, the judges simply stated that the winning flag “caught their eye” and that they “didn’t pay much attention to the others.”
“When we saw the winning flag, we were simply blown away. It was like nothing we had ever seen before. The colors, the design, the overall aesthetic – it was just incredible and awe-inspiring. We knew right away that it had to be the winner.” One of the judges claimed.
Some residents are even calling for the judges to undergo drug tests to see if they were under the influence of any substances at the time of the competition.
“I don’t know what they were thinking when they chose that flag,” said one resident. “It’s like they were high or something. I think we need to make sure that the judges are fit to make these kinds of decisions and not just picking the first flag that catches their eye.”
The town council has not yet commented on the calls for drug tests, but some council members have expressed concern over the judges’ decision and are reportedly considering holding a re-vote to determine the winner of the competition.
Many residents are also calling for a re-vote, hoping to overturn the controversial decision and choose a flag that they can be proud to fly over their town. Until then, the eyesore flag will continue to fly over New Providence, much to the dismay of its residents.