It all started at an innocent bee farm on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Finally, an opportunity to learn about the importance of bees here in Costa Rica, a vacation destination that I was located in at this time. “Pura Vida,” the locals shout, but there is no pure life there. Instead, it was filled with secrets and bizarreness.
I stumbled upon this farm after hearing about it online. It was supposed to be a grand old time consisting of an educated lecture and tour of the farm; we would even get to dress up in beekeeper suits and experience the hives close up.
However, the expedition took a wild turn when an elderly couple, presumably also part of the tour, approached me with a camera.
They asked me far too personal questions about my current mood and experience. I was quite bewildered, as I had no clue who these people were nor why they had a camera, but I tried to oblige to their pestering. After the tour had come to a close, the elderly couple revealed the reason behind the filming was due to the fact that they owned a YouTube channel where they vlogged about their Costa Rican life and daily activities.

Later on in my day, I proceeded to look up the further details of their channel, including their subscriber counts and other socials. It came as quite a shock to find that they had less than 200 YouTube subscribers on their channel, Costa Rica Reporter.

Comparing two of their titles, we can see they have a wide variety of content. “Thirsty Monkeys Risk Lives to Crocodiles” is sure to give quite a different vibe from “Excellent Tire Repair Service that is only a short drive from Quepos/Manuel Antonio.”

But their YouTube channel videos are quite harmless, mostly highlighting popular tourist destinations or yummy restaurants.
Their descriptions of their YouTube videos, however, are quite interesting. The one from the bee farm video that I am personally featured in reads:
“We are united in educating others about today’s crude oil products chemical attacks from (BGC’s) Big Greedy Corporations and Artificial Intelligence manufacture of robots to replace all life including humans life.”
It’s with writing like this that prompts the question: Do they know how to speak English?

When I had the pleasure of interacting with them at the bee farm, they claimed that their editing skills were “top-notch” and they knew how to “bleep out a bad word.”
These claims, though, can be absolutely thrown out upon viewing just their standard video outro. It consists of an iMovie-like slideshow with toddler-like editing. There is generic copyright-free music playing in the background and a clip from a Toyota commercial is playing behind a horribly masked image of their ‘logo.’
The outro is linked here:
However, in addition to their YouTube channel, we also discovered that they had a podcast on Spreaker and a second channel on Rumble, where they posted different sorts of content.

We surveyed 100 random people and literally 1 person had heard of Spreaker and less than 10 had heard of Rumble.
The reason behind them using these obscure platforms might be because of the contents of their postings. This seemingly sweet old couple has quite malicious intentions, making content about satanic political views and radical reform movements.

Glenn Baxter grew up relatively normally until the ripe age of 24 when he claims he became a “whistleblower.” Scallion researchers have determined that this occupation refers to one who reports evidence of wrongdoing to officials.
Soon after, he started to realize the flaws of today’s society: pedophilia, corrupt governments, and QR codes, and discovered a need to take a stand and combat these issues with extreme Christianity.
After moving to Costa Rica and meeting his domestic partner Betina, (who had previously owned a ‘nutrition store’ for an unknown period of time) he took to social media as something of a truth preacher. Catchy thumbnails with borderline offensive imagery started to completely inundate the couples’ Facebook page, contradicting the light and earth-centered messages present on their YouTube.

Seen above is one of many bizarre posts:
In regards to Glenn’s partner, she goes by the name Betina Eilene Stout. She and Glenn are “joined in oneness” according to them. We are unsure what that term fully means, but it is the one they choose to use.
The Scallion emailed her personally to possibly get some additional information for this article. We asked about their views on life, their experiences in Costa Rica, and other questions.
However, the only response Betina replied with was two hyperlinks to websites.
Not only is Glenn a social media wizard, but he is also an author too, sporting titles such as “SECRETS SHARED BY LBJ’s (Lyndon B. Johnson’s) MISTRESS” and “TRUMPS WALL: People’s Crime Scene Investigation, Resurrection of Dead President”
And of course, the uber-flowing title that isn’t wordy whatsoever: “The Last Superbowl on Planet Earth 2017: The Deadliest Fiction Ever Written About Worldwide Destruction.”
However, the reason for this article is to put just one on a pedestal. A title we think should be shared with the world: “CAT&SNAKE BLACK DEATH CULT”

One can immediately decipher that this story isn’t just some typical, yippy-skippy romance novel based on the all-caps warning that the Amazon description features.
And with a title so hilariously unclear, the average consumer will immediately wonder what this novel is about. We did too. According to Baxter, the idea came to him while dining in a quaint little ‘hole-in-the-wall’ Costa Rica restaurant on April 6, 2019. In all relevancy, there was a gas station next door. A giddy waitress, some kind of angel, maybe, brought menus to Glenn and his companion, which included a backstory about Acacia wood.
The passage explained “the history of the Acacia all the way back to Ancient Egypt,” highlighting its use in building the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant. The Texan to Costa Rican described his enlightenment following this reading as a “A supernatural twilight zone literally [opening],” with the Bible to blame.
The “unseen force” as Glenn called it, inspired him to vigorously work towards authoring a novel on that very topic, putting in up to 16 hours of work every day for four months. These work patterns are quite similar to those regarding their content creation on YouTube, considering their previous claims that they wake up at an unholy hour, only to spend every waking one of them working towards video production for ‘all to see.’
According to M. Glenn, the book covers acacia’s role in history, from its use in building the ancient pyramids in Egypt to the “beginning of Christianity.” Taking a wild turn, Baxter claims that the misuse of black magic on this plant can result in genocide, war, slavery, etc. He goes on to blame the “slaughter of uncountable millions of poor souls over the past 6000 years” on said misuse.
The author does not shy away from the horrors of this topic, even claiming that it became “mentally difficult” for him to persist in writing, due to its negative and dark nature.
It doesn’t even sound like readers should enjoy reading this novel. Instead of pure entertainment, it is simply “personal research in truth to serve others by opening minds of those wanting to escape to freedom out of the Matrix.” Terrifyingly, Baxter admits that learning about this topic will “shock, horrify, and rattle the bones of readers.”
The description goes on to say the text is “University level,” suggesting that readers simply keep the book on a “higher shelf” and only use it as a reference for when, inevitably, “questions arise in time as one sees the crumbling of Jesuit Freemasonry.”
It is certainly very clear that Glenn is aiming to expose the truth, as long as it appears to be true on his end, no matter what the public thinks. He even says, “This book will never be a best seller and was not written to be profitable.”
One can only imagine what the innards of this book contain. Here at the Scallion, we cannot officially endorse it, but we can put this information out there: It is rated a perfect 5 stars, runs 291 pages long, and costs a mere $46 for a paperback copy.
As for reviews, only two exist.
One, by Tommy Jack, a certified Amazon customer, says that Baxter is a “Great Writer ! Truth”
And of course, the other is written by the completely unbiased Betina Stout herself, who writes: “This is the most powerful book I have ever read. It delivers phenomenal mystical wicked true knowledge on the hidden Catholic Vatican occult history not known. The Cat occult is slowly killing off all humans. A world of lies and deception to harvest souls for Lucifer. All any mind needs to know about the dark Satanic evil with a surprising promising new beginning for humanity.”
Although Baxter is clearly an accomplished author, he is still very much active on his socials, posting 5+ propaganda-like ‘articles’ every single day.
Recently, the two have taken a wild interest in the world of the humble QR code. On October 6, 2023, Glenn publicly posted something of an opinion passage on said scanners. The Scallion writers would like to assist in breaking the post down into simpler terms.
Glenn begins the post by writing: “The IPhone Android camera lens see the QR Code as a two dimensional box with 6 sides…occult of Satan 666”
Personally, we found ourselves confused about the 6 sides remark, as a 2 dimesnioal square appears to only have four. Glenn is clearly establishing that he belevies QR codes are satanic. For context, “it was made to put on vaccination identification and as a mark of the beast to track all Gentiles. Then it expanded out to restaurants menus etc….”
For one, we thought that the included examples here were very clear. He describes that they began as gentile tracking devices; seems simple enough. One might wonder why it is so bad…
“SATAN has used the box to control minds for ages. The box is all the boxes in the city high rises and in skyscrapers built by Satan’s children of Cain city builders. Congested Cities of Satan like Chicago with murders, street crack, [. . .] rats, and politicians like Obama in Chicago and Presidents from New York City Donald Trump another child of Cain.”
In this strangely worded paragraph, we have learned 2 major negative reasons.
- QR codes are all boxes in city skylines
- Said congested cities have rats, crack, and Obama, presumably negative traits
“This box also enslaves minds in Churches and Temples where 72 names of fake mythological Greek and Roman Gauds and 30,000 Hindu Gods are worshipped. Then are those boxes of Protestant denominations where they boast about the expense and grander of their auditoriums, fly in 20 million dollar jets, speak in devil tongues and are in bed with Pope Francis.”
Here at the scallion, we were confused with some aspects here. Mainly, the two different spellings of the word “God,” and the idea of the pope being “in bed” with some unknown entity Baxter entitled, “they.” We reached out to the author of this post about the meaning, to no avail.
Similar themes follow throughout the rest of this post. In order to make your reading experience more enjoyable, we will shorten it into the most important segments
“These are the boxes where Presidents like mafia casino connected Donald Trump solicit votes to win a presidential election…In these boxes they whore out in the name of Jesus to collect trillions of dollars…NEED TO REALLY KNOW THE ENEMY TO ERADICATE THE ENEMY… if a soldier runs out of ammo he picks a gun from one of Satan’s children he has killed…Use Satan’s weapon against destroying Satan. This weapon is the QR…”
There is a clear message one can receive from consuming this text. QR codes are no longer efficient, hyper-link-containing, scanners, but instead Satanic weapons used for corrupt actions in government and in life as a whole.
However, in an absolutely SHOCKING turn of events, a simple exploration of the couples’ Rumble page revealed something that can only be described as disgraceful.
One fateful day, a post was shared providing a link to one of their new Rumble video documentaries. But it was no average link, it was a QR code.
Of course, us Scallion writers were immediately appalled at such hypocrisy, our jaws wide open at the sight. There was only one more thing to check: the date of publication. Which came first, the brutal attacking or the innocent use?
In the most ironic situation possible, the Rumble post was shared on October 6, 2023, the exact same day.
The question still remains–are they marketing geniuses utilizing reverse psychology to attract more viewers or simply confused radical Christians? Nobody will ever know.
Yet, all of their social media pages somehow still exist today. With the click of a button, their absolutely outlandish ideals can be accessed by the whole world–from AI to QR.