“This is so dumb!” Shouted middle school student Brandon Jefferies as he spoke to a writer at The Scallion just two weeks ago. “This is something out of a movie!”
The tables have turned unexpectedly at New Providence Middle. Parents across the town have recoiled in fear after a shocking announcement.
Horror stories across the US taking place in average schools are no rarity. Lockdowns, threats, and intruders have shaken parents and school teachers everywhere down to their core. So how could something like this happen in safe haven New Providence of all places? How could a happy-go-lucky townscape with friendly, neighborly, residents turn into such an awful scene? Truth be told, it didn’t.
“Yeah sure, it was November, but pumpkins aren’t just an October thing,” spoke the accused student.
Pumpkins? That’s right. At NPMS, the lockdown drill rang through the echoey halls like the colosseum because of a mere pumpkin.
“It was darn spooky, that pumpkin,” claims an anonymous member of the custodial staff. “If I saw something like that, I’d sure as heck freak!”
The class? Art. The time? 1:47 p.m. Student Brandon Jefferies takes out a medium sized orange gourd from a GAP bag. The art teacher has assigned a sculpting assignment, using natural materials. Jefferies takes his blade and carves a beautifully terrifying face into the previously soulless sphere. As an avid artist, the pumpkin was sure to scare the average folk. But this much?

As soon as the teacher looked up from the computer screen to check on the safety of the students, a ghastly shriek was let out.
“Get down! Get down!” Screeched the teacher as they grabbed a clipboard to fight back. The students hid in the corner, hearing only battle cries. Not even Brandon knew what was happening. Not even the culprit could connect the dots.
Throughout the school, news of an intruder spread like wildfire. Everywhere, students hid in cramped rooms or corners, under desks, and behind doors. The teachers waited like warriors to take down the threat.
“Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown!” Cried the loudspeaker voice. The school went silent.
“It really really looked like an intruder,” said an anonymous staff member. “I mean really, I was scared for my life.”
“Why are we mad at this kid,” said another. “We should get him into some kind of art school. He’s really talented.”
Hopefully NPMS can get a good laugh out of this in the future. As for parents of the schoolchildren who experienced this, they are absolutely outraged.